The ‘Friends except…’ option will let you show your post to a select group of friends and hide it from everyone else. In this post, we’ll explore ways to help you hide all comments/keep some contacts from commenting/turn off comments altogether. This means that you’ll have to get creative to take control of your privacy and content. It’s not very easy to disable comments on your post. Unfortunately, Facebook is notorious for limiting a user’s ability to customize their interactions.
To stop such untoward incidents from happening, it’s important to know how to hide comments on Facebook. If you post something on your business page, a vengeful person can post a scathing (but fake) negative feedback which might put other potential customers off.

This has led to an abundance of trolling, destructive criticism and other negative forms of communication on Facebook. Since whatever you share online becomes accessible to other people, anybody can comment anything on your post. It is also filled with people who post hateful and negative comments about each other. However, Facebook isn’t just a place filled with positivity. Whether you live in Canada and your friend lives in Thailand, you can still stay up to date with each other’s life’s events with the help of whatever you share on Facebook. Facebook has helped connect a lot of people who might be in distant corners of the world. Facebook users engage with each other by sharing photos, videos, text, and more about their lives. Facebook is the world’s leading social media platform featuring billions of users from all across the globe.